The family unit can look much different today than it did decades ago. With same-sex couples given the green light to marry in Florida, it is safe to say that many of these couples -- mostly gay males in these cases -- want to start families with the help of a...
Year: 2021
How parental alienation can affect child custody cases
Parental alienation can be ugly and used by one parent to try to prevent the other from seeing the children by making false claims often in connection with alleged abuse. Family courts in Florida often recognize parental alienation syndrome and use it to determine...
Attempting to avoid litigation during a divorce
Many spouses who have decided there is no other alternative for them but to end their marriages have a choice on how to proceed in the divorce process. Florida couples can choose to work toward a settlement or go to trial as per family law rules. Before making that...
Choose child custody battles wisely
It’s never easy transitioning to a co-parenting model after divorce. When it comes to child custody issues in Florida, co-parenting relies heavily on parents being able to get along and work together for their children’s sakes. There should be some guidelines set down...
Is a collaborative divorce less expensive?
Ending a marriage can be far more taxing financially than starting out in one. A Florida couple that goes to court to sort out the issues of their divorce could end up paying thousands of dollars in fees. Some people may have to dig into their savings, use up assets...
Is parallel parenting an ideal option?
A couple who doesn’t agree on most things likely don’t agree on many issues regarding their children either. When Florida parents decide to divorce, there are many things they need to discuss, and one of the most important is child custody. In some instances, a joint...
Deciding if divorce is the right option
When couples have struggled in their marriages for years, they have some serious decisions to make. One of the biggest faced by Florida couples in this circumstance is whether to stay married or to get a divorce. If both people are unhappy and the union is no longer...
Co-parenting your children after divorce
Child psychologists have said children who have positive relationships with both parents have much healthier lives than those who don’t. This is something important for Florida parents to keep in mind when they make the decision to divorce. Thankfully, there are tools...
Help kids avoid back-to-school stress after divorce
When children in Florida head back to school, it can be an exciting yet stressful time. If a particular child’s parents have recently filed for divorce, back-to-school stress may be intensified, especially if the parents in question have a contentious relationship....
Divorce: It may be best to prepare for the unforeseen
When two people believe they have each found the one they intend to spend the rest of their life with, it’s a truly magical feeling. Virtually no one in Florida gets married with the thought that someday they will divorce, but life can be very unpredictable and that...